Xerox Supplier Diversity Program
Strengthening the supply chain through diversity, quality and ethics.
As a global leader in business process and document management, Xerox recognizes that having a diverse supplier pool is a major competitive advantage and a powerful business tool. Our mission in supplier diversity is to take proactive steps in identifying, fostering relationships with, and procuring goods and services from certified small businesses, as well as enterprises owned by minorities, women, veterans, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and individuals with disabilities. These strategic partnerships align with Xerox's corporate objectives, enabling us to enhance our business practices and better serve our clients.

"Xerox's supplier diversity program is fueled by the rich cultural diversity and values of the communities we serve. Throughout the procurement process, we are dedicated to cultivating an inclusive and supportive atmosphere that nurtures mutually beneficial business endeavors. Our goal is to establish enduring partnerships that encourage resilience, innovation, and the development of sustainable products."
Alissa Weathers
Supplier Diversity & Sustainability Manager
Global Procurement Business Operations
Supplier Diversity Policy
Xerox is committed to a policy where diverse suppliers are provided with an equal opportunity to participate in our strategic sourcing and procurement process. Companies that seek to do business with Xerox should exhibit the capability to deliver value and offer high-quality goods and services that are competitively priced, dependable, and in harmony with our commitment to delivering exceptional service.
Our Objectives
Actively seeking out certified diverse suppliers that can provide competitive, high-quality goods and services whose business model is aligned with our business strategy.
Ensuring the inclusion of diverse suppliers as a part of our strategic sourcing and procurement process.
Communicating the value of supplier diversity both internally and externally to all stakeholders.
Leveraging our supplier diversity results to meet our clients’ supplier diversity requirements.
We will measure our success based upon our ability to attain and exceed these objectives.
Supplier Diversity Program Glossary of MWBE Terms
Tier II Supplier Diversity Report
Program Commitment
Xerox is committed to building a strong supplier diversity program. The foundation of our program consists of internal and external deliverables to help ensure program success for all Xerox stakeholders.
Our program focuses on:
Objective Measurements — establishing and meeting company and departmental goals and objectives that support our overall diversity strategy.
Tracking and Reporting — monitoring and reporting our progress toward achieving our supplier diversity goals and objectives with a strong emphasis on continuous improvement.
Training and Education — helping to ensure that associates in decision-making positions throughout our organization understand Xerox’s supplier diversity principles and commitment.
External Outreach Activities — seeking diverse suppliers through active involvement with small business and minority development organizations, and participation in various trade shows and procurement events.
Communications — educating employees, management, diverse suppliers, and the community-at-large on our supplier diversity program, policies, and achievements.
Second Tier Program — working with Xerox prime suppliers to achieve supplier diversity at multi-tiered levels within our value chain.
Awards Program and Recognition — highlighting and rewarding the hard work and outstanding efforts of our employees and recommending suppliers for external awards.
During 2024, Xerox and our subsidiaries purchased goods and services from the following*:
Small Tier I Businesses
Several independent groups have recognized Xerox for outstanding supplier diversity including:
Black Enterprise Top 35 Companies for Supplier Diversity
AT&T Prime Supplier Crystal Award for Outstanding Diversity Supplier Utilization
Black EOE Journal Best of the Best in Supplier Diversity Award

Outreach Efforts
We take part in several efforts with the goal of increasing diversity across many different business areas:
New York & New Jersey National Minority Supplier Development Council
Women’s Business Enterprise National Council
We participate in various national and regional conferences, matchmaker events and forums, which relate to promoting business with MWBE’s.
*North American data only.

Globale Vielfalt, Inklusion und Zugehörigkeit
Vielfalt, Inklusion und Zugehörigkeit sind nicht nur leere Worte – sie bilden den Kern unserer Werte und unseres Handelns als Unternehmen.

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