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Book with brightly colored pictures of fruit

Beyond Dots per Inch: Achieving a Scientifically Better Image Quality

Do you remember the first time you saw the amazing picture quality of an HDTV? Compared to standard definition, the quality probably blew you away.

The reason for the better picture quality comes down to pixels and resolution. A high definition television has more of both. And that very same principle applies in digital print with image processing.

In this white paper, InfoTrends/Keypoint Intelligence explores the role of resolution and image processing techniques in quality improvements.

Under the microscope is the Xerox® Versant® Family of Presses, which renders images at a 10-bit color depth using its Ultra HD Resolution. This enables the press to print each of the four primary colors (CMYK) with any of 1,024 shades, compared to 256 shades with the industry-standard 8-bit color.

The result? Finer lines, smoother gradients, sharper text and output quality for ultra HD images proven to be scientifically better.

Download the white paper

Die Xerox® Versant® 4100 Press

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