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colorful illustration book

Hobs Repro Show What's Possible with Iridesse

The Challenge

Designers are facing increased pressure to dazzle and wow, but specialty effects can be expensive and complex, and new technology is often met with resistance. The idiom, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” rings true.

The Solution

After extensive research and in-depth comparisons, Hobs Repro Printing Company migrated to the Xerox® Iridesse® Production Press — the first and only digital press that can print CMYK plus jaw-dropping spot embellishments and stunning metallic hues — in a single pass.

To help designers understand the power of the Iridesse, Hobs worked with Xerox to create invaluable reference tools, including metallic swatch books and Spellbound: A grimoire of magical digital print.

The Results

  • Increased exposure and training for designers means increased understanding of CMYK+ and the ability to design and execute stunning work.

  • Hob’s Repro now has the ability to include personalized metallic effects throughout any piece, and can print panoramas, wraparound covers and pullouts, oversized sheets and a wider media range without adding primer or precoating.

  • Hobs Repro has migrated 80% of their work to the Iridesse.

  • Together, Hobs Repro and Xerox are raising the bar on what can be achieved and establishing the Iridesse as the new standard in digital print.

Read the Hobs Repro case study

Spiral bound books with brightly colored pages and covers

Graphic and Print Design Brilliance

Get your graphic and print designs to stand out and be noticed with embellishments, metallic inks and CMYK plus effects through digital color printing.

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