Unleashing Workplace Efficiency and Productivity with Xerox® MPS
To support their growing needs, Dimco Ltd, a leader in lighting equipment, was in need of a reliable outsourcing partner to help automate their manual document-related processes and increase the efficiency of their print operations while bringing uniformity and cost-control measures to the company.
Xerographic Systems Ltd, a Xerox® Managed Print Services partner, worked closely with Dimco to assess their current operations structure and proposed a new strategy to help Dimco achieve their business objectives.
See how the Xerox® Managed Print Services solution was able to help support their growing needs.
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Xerox im Quocirca-Bericht über Cloud Print Services 2024 zum Marktführer ernannt
Quocirca kürte Xerox vor allen Mitbewerbern in der Branche zum Marktführer für Managed Print Services in Bezug auf die strategische Vision und den umfassenden Service mit cloudbasiertem Gerätemanagement, Druckmanagement sowie unseren Produktivitätstools.
IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Cloud MPS Hardcopy 2024 Vendor Assessment
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Xerox erhält den PaceSetter Award 2022/23 von Keypoint Intelligence – Buyers Lab, Inc. für sein umfassendes Angebot an Managed Print Services
Keypoint Intelligence – BLI zeichnet Xerox Managed Print Services (MPS), einen führenden Anbieter im Bereich Cloud-Druckmanagement, erweiterte Sicherheit, Dokumenten-Workflows und mehr, mit einem weiteren PaceSetter Award aus.
Zero Trust an erster Stelle.
Ihre Sicherheit ist unsere oberste Priorität. Erfahren Sie, wie unsere Produkte und Services unsere Zero-Trust-Initiativen unterstützen.
IESE Business School Case Study
Discover the strategic impact of Xerox Managed Print Services on a leading global business school, propelling the institution into a new era of digitisation while enhancing the student experience.
French Non-Profit Association Case Study
See how Xerox helped boost productivity and accessibility for one of France's most significant non-profit organizations with the help of our Managed Print Services and Workflow Central Platform.